Jul 142018

 In December , Eric ( my fiance’) and I went to Arizona and were inundated with majestic views everywhere we looked.  At times , I felt overwhelmed with emotion. The majesty of the Grand Canyon https://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm at sunset was breathtaking. We stayed for dinner and had the pleasure of seeing the stars over the Grand Canyon too. Boy what a day! I have always been in love with  trees and water but the desert has its own kind of magic. The photo seen here is from Antelope Canyon- you have to book a tour through the Navajo Indian Reservation https://www.antelopecanyon.com/

Since that time I have been busy officiating weddings most weekends. I am fortunate that the majority are outside in nature but it is not the same as taking time for yourself without any obligations to others. 

This was truly a rejuvenating trip for our energy and soul. Gratitude comes easy when you are blessed with beauty all around you.


I realized recently how much nature means to me. We had not been on a trip in nature by ourselves for 6 months. That is a long time for us. We traveled to Elkin, NC so I could officiate a wedding at the Barn at Blueberry Hill While in Elkin, wttp://www.blueberryhillweddingbarnelkinnc.com/

For more information about wedding officiant :http://www.annmckenzie.net/







While in Elkin, we camped at the the the Bryd’s Branch Family Campground http://byrdsbranchcampgroundcom/   

This was our breakfast nook. After running the rehearsal and officiating the wedding, it was relaxing to come back to nature without any commitments. This was time well spent recharging our energy. Another bonus was a waterfall that we  hiked to 1/2 mile away.  













We came back to civilization on Sunday afternoon before our trip home to enjoy a trip to a local winery https://www.jonesvondrehle.com/

We got caught in an unexpected rainstorm. I can think of worse places to be stuck. 









The following weekend I officiated a wedding at Thorndale Oaks in Oxford, NC http://www.thorndaleoaks.com/

This is a beautiful venue an hour north of Cary . It was a wonderful wedding, but it was time to recharge again with nature. Eric and I traveled to Carolina Beach that evening and spent the next two days swimming in the ocean while staying with my child hood friend, Diane. 






It seems after the lengthy  dry spell of very little time in nature since December , we were at  it again for the third  weekend in a row travelling to Spartanburg, SC for Brenda, Eric’s stepmom’s 80th birthday party. We had the fun time staying at her daughter and son in laws’ pond house by ourselves. What a serene place after visiting with family and attending a very large party on Saturday night. Sometimes being around a lot of people can drain your energy. As much as I love socializing, I find the need time to myself in solitude or nature . It recharges my energy and brings me back to a firm foundation with my inner spirit.







We decided to  have a little extra fun in Spartanburg exploring . We found a Rock Bottom Moonshine, where they make their own legal moonshine infused with fruit or charred wood( delicious and smooth) http://www.rockbottomdistillers.com/

As well as an authentic Cuban restaurant https://www.facebook.com/ACaribbeanSweetness/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf

Many of us can feel our energy drained after being around some people, as well as others who seem to give us energy.  As I grow spiritually throughout my life, I realize that I have started focusing more of my time with my energy boosting friends. I love all my friends but you have to take care of your own spirit and limit your time with others who do not want to take responsibility for their own happiness. I am always willing to work with others who want to find more joy and happiness  in life if they are willing to take the time and effort for this life-changing spiritual journey http://omnigirl.net/contact/

It is a real commitment with desire coming from your soul, to find self-love and happiness in everything  you do. It is a practice with daily steps , but well worth the reward to live a  joy-filled life. Everyone can do, but not everyone is willing to make the change. Your heart and soul will thank you for it. Start by spending more time in nature- it is truly a way to recharge your energy.

Also, taking time to meditate or just quiet your thoughts for a few minutes, can bring peace to a hectic day.  This is something I learned in my 30s and it has been the path I have followed since then. My life is filled with joy, and when I experience negativity in myself, I take time to think of everything I am grateful for. I also remember to talk kind to myself just as I would to my friends and loved ones. I wish you peace, love and joy in your life- you deserve all the happiness you can find!

Apr 012018

Have you lost a loved one and then received a “message ” from them?  This first happened to me three months after my Mother’s death. She became ill and went into a  coma and died four days later. I never got to talk to her and say goodbye. Usually being a very upbeat person, as my friends will tell you, I became depressed when my mother passed away. I didn’t feel like socializing and gained weight by eating too much. Then one night her spirit came to see me. I could see her clothes and where she was sitting. We talked all night about our life together and how much I missed her. The next morning, I was back to my old self. I felt a new energy after connecting with my mother’s spirit.

At the time, I had not been participating in a spiritual practice for 10 years but knew this was something I had to start again. I was working full time, taking 3 classes at NCSU and dancing with the Apple Chill Cloggers in Chapel Hill. So it was four years later when I graduated with my BS in Zoology at the age of 33, that I began searching in earnest for a spiritual practice. 

I met Veronica Vela, http://healthecology.com/, who introduced me to the Course in Miracles and the energy healing practice of Reiki.  I became a Reiki I practitioner and spent the next two years studying the Course in  Miracles https://www.acim.org/AboutACIM/   

It changed my life. I began seeing everything in a new way. I paid attention to coincidences, dreams and began meditating. Keeping a journal, helped me grow spiritually over the years.  In  2003, I lost my husband of 17 years suddenly to an aneurysm. The first time I knew his spirit was around, was when my son and I were in the bathroom talking. We were remembering how he would turn out the light to scare us. About that time, the light went out and neither one of us was near the switch. We both knew he was there.

At the time my son was seven and he had told me on many occasions that I should not be sad because his Dad was right there with us. Children often see and feel spirits much more readily than adults. They are open and clear channels to the spiritual plane.

Two times after I began dating his spirit came to me. The first time was with a guy I had started dating in the form of a song, “Mama He’s Crazy” by the Judds. When this song came on in the past, I had always felt I was singing it to my mother to let her know I had found a  good man to marry. SO when is started playing after he passed away, I knew he was telling me to watch out, it might not be a long relationship and he was right.

The next time was again with a new boyfriend and the smoke detector went off in the house for the first time for no reason. I thought to myself, “Okay Sonny ( my husband’s name), I know this is not the best choice but I am lonely. I guess I am OK now because I have been dating the same guy for 7 years and we are engaged. No signals for the spiritual realm yet, YEA!

Since that time, I have lost friends and their spirit came to visit to let me know they were OK. They all wanted me to tell a loved one this. I felt it when I lost a close friend, Jerome, from my clogging days.  Also when Eric, my fiance, lost his father, when I lost my Aunt Melba ( she was like a mother to me), and when Joe, Becky’s husband died. It was always a peaceful feeling and lots of love associated with it. Being open to the spiritual realm, can help ease a loss or help someone else with their grief. 

If you want to become more aware of spiritual messages, I suggest you start a journal, noting all coincidences like the phone call from a friend you were just thinking about, seeing the same number over and over again or to seeing an animal that has a significance to you. Also keeping a record of your dreams and anything else that pops in your mind that might be related to spirit. One of the best ways to get started is to begin a daily meditation practice. If you need help with this please contact me and I will point you in the right direction http://omnigirl.net/naturemeditations/

Your life will expand in ways you can not imagine when you connect to your spiritual center. It beings clarity in decisions, as well as peace in troubling times. My decision to begin a spiritual practice is absolutely one of the best decisions I have ever made!


Jan 312018

I had the honor to officiate a “Celebration of Life”  for Dot Hussey, my brother-in-law’s mother, this past week.  She was 93 years old, but what life she lived. She married her sweetheart from junior high and lived in California and North Carolina for most of her life. When her husband died, she moved to Greensboro in her 60s to be near her sister after working for over 30 years in the insurance business. Dot started a new career working part-time at the Auto Auction until she was 88. She then moved to Wake Forest to a retirement home, but consistently broke the speed limit with her mobility scooter. She ran it full out as fast as it would go. Dot believed in using your body up before it was time to leave for the spiritual plane and she did just that. This saying was one of Dot’s favorites and fit her to a tee, from Hunter S. Thompson::

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke thoroughly used up , totally worn out and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”


I believe that we are responsible for our happiness in life. In all areas of our life, we are either changing and growing or becoming stagnant and declining. This life is so precious that we should spend every minute of it finding our joy through work, family, relationships, and health. As we age we see others become less active around us and some even die early. The only thing I fear is the regret of not doing something I wanted to in my life. 

I always wanted to have a child, but I was 42 before my son was born. Many of our friends thought we were a little crazy to have a child at that age but he kept us young.

In my 50’s I was hit with auto-immune arthritis and had a double knee replacement. Six months later, I was white water rafting on Class 5 rapids in West Virginia.  https://aceraft.com/  Now my friends really thought I had lost my mind. My philosophy was why have the surgery if I could not do the things I wanted to do?

Many of us dream about the life we would like to lead, but simply don’t take the first step. Instead of saying “I can’t”, say “what if I did”?  Life consists of many small steps, taking the first one makes all the others easier. These fears don’t just pertain to adventure but also to emotional risk and fear of what others will think. 

I spent 35 years in biochemistry and public health laboratories.  In my 60s I decided to change careers and start an energy healing business from the encouragement of my spiritual mentors, Angela Coulter, http://trinityenergyprogression.com/ and Veronica Vela, http://www.healthecology.com/

 I came out of  the “Spiritual Closet” and became an ordained minister http://www.newearthaquarianchurch.org/

I soon began marrying couples in the community and found a new passion that I would never have believed possible. I truly feel connected to the couples that I  meet and feel honored to marry them. http://www.annmckenzie.net/

I am not sure what new phase of my life will occur in my 70s, but I hope it is as much fun as the others I have tried so far. One thing is for sure, I am always looking for something new to learn or do. After all, that is what makes life interesting. If you want to open up to your intuition and explore all the  possibilities waiting for you,  contact me at http://omnigirl.net/contact/

Jan 052018

The Grand Canyon in Arizona has been on my bucket list forever. There is something about such a dramatic view of the earth that has always captured my attention. When Eric and I got engaged in South Carolina during the total eclipse of the sun this year, we did not expect a trip to go along with it.  His Step-mom, Brenda Lytle, and her good friend, Daisy, offered us a timeshare in Sedona, Arizona to be used by the end of the year. I was excited because I knew Sedona is known to have many energy vortexes. “These vortexes are swirling centers of subtle energy coming out from the surface of the earth. ” http://www.lovesedona.com

I could feel an energy shift when sitting on top of Airport Mesa  (photo below) and Bell Rock, two of the energy vortexes in Sedona. It is difficult to explain, but my emotions seemed to be just below the surface rather than tucked away as in a normal day.




When I discovered the Grand Canyon was only 2 hours away I was ecstatic.  Eric and I drove to the South Rim on Tuesday and I felt the true meaning of wonderment. 

Wonderment is the “rapt attention and deep emotion caused by the sight of something extraordinary”. It was one of the times in my life, where I could see the “big picture” of life.  Often all we think about is our own life. When you see the majesty of the Grand Canyon, you realize that your life is a small part of the whole universe.  We are all connected energetically with each other and the earth- part of the grand scheme of things.  I had to catch my breath beholding the beauty of this natural wonder.  We stayed for dinner at the Arizona Room http://www.grandcanyonlodges.com/dining/arizona-room/ eating a wonderful meal. Afterwards, we were walking back to our car and saw another wonderment of nature. The sky was filled with brilliant stars and we could see all the constellations there. The visual displays that day were a treat for my eyes. 

Eric and I also traveled to the western rim of the Grand Canyon in a van and were able to sit by the Colorado River (normal take out place for rafters. ) This was a real treat since we had not scheduled a trip down to the bottom ahead of time. Usually, you have to walk or ride a donkey. http://www.safarijeeptours.com/tours/









One of the most fabulous natural “eye candy” spots we saw was Antelope Canyon. It is on Navajo Land and you must go with a Navajo guide https://navajotours.com/. They want to preserve the canyon as it was created by water and wind.  The first photo in the blog with Eric and I looking up into the light is also from Antelope Canyon. 








Just before  Antelope Canyon, you go by Horseshoe Bend https://horseshoebend.com/# – once I saw the photo online, I knew we had to go.

After driving to the Grand Canyon, 5 hours round trip, I was not sure  Eric wanted to go. But after talking to several people in Sedona, he decided the 6 hour round trip was worth it since we would see Antelope Canyon as well. It was well worth the drive  

Horseshoe Bend is a true marvel of nature.

This is a trip I will remember for the rest of my life. Not only is a  feast for the eyes,  it is truly a spiritual journey. If you ever doubted the magnificence of the universe, a trip to Arizona will quell all your doubts. The connection to the earth helps you feel grounded and part of this wonderful creation.  If you want to start your spiritual journey with daily meditations, let me know I can help you get started http://omnigirl.net/contact/














Nov 182017

I have always been attracted to trees. When I was a young girl, the woods behind my house was one of my  favorite places to play. I could spend hours there talking to the fairies and wood nymphs. As I have continued on my spiritual journey throughout my life, I  now realize I was accessing another spiritual plane instead of just making it up in my mind. 

My mind and body feel totally alive when I am among trees. It also gives me a sense of peace. I find nature, especially trees and water, one of the easiest places to meditate and calm your busy mind . 

“The Japanese practice of forest bathing is proven to lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress hormone production, boost the immune system, and improve overall feelings of well-being.” https://qz.com/804022/health-benefits-japanese-forest-bathing/ This is due to the release of essential oils called phytoncide by the trees to protect themselves from insects and bacteria. The essential oils actually help boost your immune system. 

In my travels, I have been drawn to forests everywhere. The photo above is from the Joshua Tree National Forest. https://www.nps.gov/jotr/index.htm . In addition to the wonderful trees , there  are many stone paths to explore and the sunsets are phenomenal. What a great way to relax from a hurried vacation. 

Another favorite of mine is the Angel Oak Tree near Charleston, SC. http://www.angeloaktree.com/.It is at least 400 years old and more than 66 feet tall. The spiritual energy from that tree is amazing. There are women there making sweet gum baskets carrying on an old tradition. It is a perfect fit to the Angel Oak Tree and the history of both. 

When traveling in Colorado , we decided to take a horseback ride thorough an Aspen Forest. https://csfs.colostate.edu/colorado-forests/forest-types/aspen/I learned that the Aspen forest is the largest living organism since all the trees come from a  single root system. Also that the American Indians used the bark for its healing properties from stomach pains to colds.

Joyce Kilmer National Forest in North Carolina https://www.visitnc.com/listing/joyce-kilmer-memorial-forest was one of the first forests I visited with huge trees. I knew I was hooked in my early 20’s . It was named after Joyce Kilmer who wrote this poem:

I think that I shall never see  
A poem lovely as a tree.  

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest  
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; 

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray; 

A tree that may in summer wear  
A nest of robins in her hair; 

Upon whose bosom snow has lain; 
Who intimately lives with rain.  

Poems are made by fools like me,  
But only God can make a tree. 

If you want an easy way to start your meditation practice , I will be glad to answer any questions http://omnigirl.net/naturemeditations/
There are numerous benefits to meditation , among those these 5 stand out for me:  boost immunity, reduce stress, enhance creativity, increase productivity and improve attention and memory. It is never too late to start your daily meditations. Your busy mind will thank you for the peace and quiet it can achieve thorough this practice. 
Jul 152017

sailboat sunset

Ever wonder why so many people live near the sea? Do you feel more happy, calmer or have more energy? These may not just psychological benefits from the beautiful surroundings.

Negative air ions created when air molecules break apart due to sunshine or moving water and air actually help decrease  depression, increase energy levels and lower stress. This also happens immediately after spring thunderstorms. There can be tens of thousands of negative ions in the air near the ocean or a forest compared to hundreds, thousands or none in your home. If you are at home, jumping in the shower creates negative ions with the spraying water.  


Going outside for about 10 minutes  a day, especially near water,  without sunscreen can help you get the vitamin D that your body needs. It is more difficult to get sufficient  vitamin D from food. Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis and other health conditions.

My favorite part of being near water is the spiritual connection I feel with water. I always feel relaxed and excited at the same time. Looking at the sun reflecting off the water at the lake, beach or even a stream helps me connect with my intuition and spiritual center. It is like a form of meditation . I can allow my thoughts to just flow through my brain and not engage them. Many times when I  stare at the water, I feel like a part of all creation – the water, the sun , the air. My energy seems to flow outward into the universe and makes me smile. See: http://omnigirl.net/naturemeditations/

Sometimes I swim laps when I have a dilemma I am trying to solve- I can let go of my conscious mind and allow my subconscious mind to take over- usually coming up with a solution I had not thought about. 

Can you hear the ocean waves hitting the shore , the sound of a babbling brook in the woods, or the sound of water hitting your boat in a lake ? Soothing sounds are used to help people sleep . How do you feel when you hear a fountain, ocean wave or brook in the woods? It makes me want to go to sleep when I hear those sounds or at least slow down and enjoy the experience. 

With all the information coming to us from computers, social media and cell phones, we can experience sensory overload. Daily life activities, work, and other commitments can lead to a stressful life which in turn lowers your immunity. Ever get a cold when you are stressed? Stress jacks up your body’s production of cortisol and adrenaline, hormones that lower immune response. Being near water helps reduce stress and  improves your ability to fight off sickness. Other ways to boost your immune system are meditating, spending time with friends, hugging or touching others, laughter (think belly laughs) and exercise.  For guidance in meditation or other stress reducing activities, contact me for a free phone consultation: http://omnigirl.net/contact/

May 082016


Looking at nature under the sea, just takes my breath away. The beautiful colors of the fish and the serenity of being in water without the everyday noises on land is so surreal.

I have always felt peace in water and used it as a form of mediation when I was upset and could not find answers to challenges I was facing. I remember doing this all through my early adulthood. When I was 50 years old, my husband passed away suddenly, and all I could think about was getting in the water. A friend picked me up the next day and took me to the pool. I remember crying in the water but also feeling relief from the constant worry of raising an 8 year old and running my husband’s business along with my full-time job. I knew if I could get to the water , it would help calm me down. It was such a strong calling that I could not ignore it. I wonder sometimes if we feel at home in water because we came from a fluid environment inside our mother’s womb?

In April, I went snorkeling off the coast of Key West along the reef. The leather coral with long looking “fingers’ seemed to be like a hand reaching upward to the sky . The sea fan coral reminded me of a tree with branches and leaves swaying in the wind. It is amazing how wonderful nature is. The waves of the ocean and the breeze of the land seem so similar , all going in the natural rhythm and flow of the earth. Nature shows us a life force displaying so much synchronicity,  that we can see the perfect “fit” of everything around us if we take the time to look and listen. Connecting with nature on land or water is a truly magnificent way to experience the spiritual life force connecting all of us in the “Oneness”.