Apr 012018

Have you lost a loved one and then received a “message ” from them?  This first happened to me three months after my Mother’s death. She became ill and went into a  coma and died four days later. I never got to talk to her and say goodbye. Usually being a very upbeat person, as my friends will tell you, I became depressed when my mother passed away. I didn’t feel like socializing and gained weight by eating too much. Then one night her spirit came to see me. I could see her clothes and where she was sitting. We talked all night about our life together and how much I missed her. The next morning, I was back to my old self. I felt a new energy after connecting with my mother’s spirit.

At the time, I had not been participating in a spiritual practice for 10 years but knew this was something I had to start again. I was working full time, taking 3 classes at NCSU and dancing with the Apple Chill Cloggers in Chapel Hill. So it was four years later when I graduated with my BS in Zoology at the age of 33, that I began searching in earnest for a spiritual practice. 

I met Veronica Vela, http://healthecology.com/, who introduced me to the Course in Miracles and the energy healing practice of Reiki.  I became a Reiki I practitioner and spent the next two years studying the Course in  Miracles https://www.acim.org/AboutACIM/   

It changed my life. I began seeing everything in a new way. I paid attention to coincidences, dreams and began meditating. Keeping a journal, helped me grow spiritually over the years.  In  2003, I lost my husband of 17 years suddenly to an aneurysm. The first time I knew his spirit was around, was when my son and I were in the bathroom talking. We were remembering how he would turn out the light to scare us. About that time, the light went out and neither one of us was near the switch. We both knew he was there.

At the time my son was seven and he had told me on many occasions that I should not be sad because his Dad was right there with us. Children often see and feel spirits much more readily than adults. They are open and clear channels to the spiritual plane.

Two times after I began dating his spirit came to me. The first time was with a guy I had started dating in the form of a song, “Mama He’s Crazy” by the Judds. When this song came on in the past, I had always felt I was singing it to my mother to let her know I had found a  good man to marry. SO when is started playing after he passed away, I knew he was telling me to watch out, it might not be a long relationship and he was right.

The next time was again with a new boyfriend and the smoke detector went off in the house for the first time for no reason. I thought to myself, “Okay Sonny ( my husband’s name), I know this is not the best choice but I am lonely. I guess I am OK now because I have been dating the same guy for 7 years and we are engaged. No signals for the spiritual realm yet, YEA!

Since that time, I have lost friends and their spirit came to visit to let me know they were OK. They all wanted me to tell a loved one this. I felt it when I lost a close friend, Jerome, from my clogging days.  Also when Eric, my fiance, lost his father, when I lost my Aunt Melba ( she was like a mother to me), and when Joe, Becky’s husband died. It was always a peaceful feeling and lots of love associated with it. Being open to the spiritual realm, can help ease a loss or help someone else with their grief. 

If you want to become more aware of spiritual messages, I suggest you start a journal, noting all coincidences like the phone call from a friend you were just thinking about, seeing the same number over and over again or to seeing an animal that has a significance to you. Also keeping a record of your dreams and anything else that pops in your mind that might be related to spirit. One of the best ways to get started is to begin a daily meditation practice. If you need help with this please contact me and I will point you in the right direction http://omnigirl.net/naturemeditations/

Your life will expand in ways you can not imagine when you connect to your spiritual center. It beings clarity in decisions, as well as peace in troubling times. My decision to begin a spiritual practice is absolutely one of the best decisions I have ever made!


Feb 152016


Have you ever been thinking about someone when the phone rings and it was that person?   Have you ever visited a place and had a sense of deja vu, like you had been there before but do not remember the trip? Have you ever felt someone staring at you and turned to find out it was true?

“According to quantum physics, we are part of a vast, invisible field of energy, which contains all possible realities and responds to our thoughts and our feelings. Think about it―every physical thing in our life is not solid matter but rather, fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. Every human being, along with every material thing in the Universe, broadcast a distinct energy pattern, and this energy carries information. Quantum Entanglement Theory states that all humans and the quantum field are interconnected.”  http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2013/05/05/quantum-physics-explain-how-everything-is-made-of-energy/

In energy healing , the practitioner is directing the spiritually guided universal life force to  the client.  There are many types of energy healing. Increasing the amount of energy coming into your body, mind, and spirit through a skilled practitioner can and often does facilitate healing of the “whole” self.

 Reiki is  a practice that helps balance the chakras or energy centers in the body. The energy in the body can become restricted  by holding onto to negative thoughts or emotions. This can cause emotional, mental or physcial problems. Reiki energy helps balance the energy centers allowing unconditional love or universal life force to flow freely through the body thus promoting well-being. Negative thoughts can create a feeling of lack in our life that we sometimes try to  fill by relationships with others.  When unconditional love fills the body, the voids we feel can disappear.

Trinity Energy Progression is another type of healing energy which helps release all resistance/partitions that are limiting your spiritual growth. These partitions create negative feelings such as anger, frustration, jealousy, regret, shame , pain. By tapping into your divine consciousness, you realize you are limitless and that everything you need is already within yourself.  You choose how you want to experience your life. When you set your intentions, keep your focus on them, actively work towards them, you can bring your intentions into your reality. 

“You choose what to download to your brain from the possibilities, the brain turns it into your 3D reality. We are all connected and we are all one. ” From a talk by Dr, Mary Asteria-Robol, a former nun with a Ph.D. in Physiology and Biophysics from Cornell and  is also a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

 Starting a meditation practice is a wonderful way to tune into your intuition or divine center.  Guided Meditations , especially for those who want to begin this practice, can be extremely helpful. 

There are also spiritual courses for study such as  the “Course in Miracles”, a spiritual practice based on love and forgiveness.

For those of you who want more scientific proof look at the placebo effect. The placebo effect in medicine helps demonstrate the effect our mind has over our physical body. Studies have shown that 30-60%of people taking a placebo for pain feel less pain. Brain scans showed that the patients taking the drug and those taking a placebo both had similar activation in the part of the brain where the most opiate receptors are located thus reducing the pain.

If you are ready to embark on your own spiritual journey, try meditation, a spiritual study or find an energy practitioner you resonate with to help you on your way.



May 202015


Do you ever feel like something is missing, even when everyone around tells you that you have all you need?

When I was 29 , I had a full time job I enjoyed, while  working on my degree part time. I was part of a clogging team that traveled to Europe most summers.  I had lots of friends to spend time traveling, listening to music, dancing and eating together.    It was a fun filled  life and everything seemed great.

Then without warning, my mother, who was my best friend died suddenly.   I  lost my joy for life, not wanting to go out and began eating emotionally. My friends would ask when I would I start smiling again.  I was in an emotional fog and did not know how to get out.  Three months after she died, she visited me in my dream state and we talked all night. I can still see her pink gown and her smile as if it was yesterday.  The next morning I woke up and was thrilled with life and ready to get out and start living!

I realized that I had let my spiritual and intuitive side slip away from me over the last decade. I made a conscious decision to  renew this important part in my life.  I promised myself that in 4 years when I finished  my BS ,  I would “expand my horizons” to include more than the physical world around me.

A few months after receiving my degree , I began focusing my attention on spirituality. A friend asked me to visit Health Ecology in Cameron Village in Raleigh, NC.  I met Veronica Vela, a Reiki Master . She suggested I study the “Course in Miracles”.  I told her I did not know anything about miracles.  She convinced me to start the weekly study group.  I remained in this group for 2 years.

The Course In Miracles changed my life.  I found the basis to life is love and there is nothing else. The opposite of love is fear, but fear cannot exist if you come from love.  The hardest part was learning forgiveness.  I learned that to forgive someone does not mean you condone their actions, but that you will not let that negative emotion hold your back from your true light.  This is especially true when learning to forgive yourself.  There are no mistakes, just opportunities to learn and grow.  Living in the past keeps you from expanding your horizons and have a truly fulfilling life!

I have tried to live my life with love and forgiveness and it has been truly remarkable.  I got married at 36 and had my only child at 42. I found myself a widow at 50 but knew that my spiritual strength would get me through this.  A few years ago, I was struck with autoimmune arthritis and began walking with a cane overnight. Within the next year, I had double knee replacement and was white water rafting.  My friend and mentor, Angela Coulter, originator of Trinity Energy progression, lead me back to meditation and connecting with my spiritual self.  This helped me through a difficult time , reinforcing the power  of connection to your inner strength.

I now work in energy healing and nutritional health.  I became a Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner,  Reiki Master Practitioner and Ordained Minster in the last several years. “Expanding my horizons” in this area of my life has been one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done.  I feel at peace with myself, even when it seems that everything else is falling apart.  I know that how I perceive the world defines my life.  I truly feel that life is wonderful and I can not wait for something new!

Always look within for guidance when it gets tough in the “real world”. Try listening to a recorded meditation to quiet your thoughts.  http://roadtoawakening.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/HeartFocus-7mins.mp3 If  you have trouble doing this, ask a friend for help. The next choice is to seek someone that does energy healing and that you feel connected  to.  Look for someone who comes from unconditional love  and without judgement of your thoughts and feelings.

I have been truly blessed by my spiritual mentors. I  love  helping others find the peace I have found.


Jan 252015


 The Angel Oak is thought to be one of the oldest living things east of the Mississippi River.   Angel Oak is a live oak. Towering over 65 feet high, the Angel Oak has shaded John’s Island, South Carolina, for over 1400 years, and would have sprouted 1000 years before Columbus’ arrival in the New World. Today the live oak has a diameter of spread reaching 160 feet, a circumference of nearly 25 feet, and covers 17,100 square feet of ground. http://www.angeloaktree.org/history.htm 

When I first saw the Angel Oak while traveling in South Carolina, I felt it’s immense energy .  When I touched the tree trunk it seemed that I was connected to the tree and the earth.  It was such a comforting feeling.  It felt like I was part of the tree’s past  as well as the present.   Being in the presence of such a magnificent living tree is awe inspiring.  Nature has always been my first choice for feeling connected spiritually to my self and others.

When I was young, I would play in the woods behind my house for hours by myself.  I would imagine wood nymphs and fairies during my visits to the stream in the woods.

During the course of my life , I have encountered deaths of loved ones, my father at age 19, my mom at age 29 and my husband  at age 50.  With every loss, I was profoundly comforted by family and friends.  Even with all the love given to me,  I still had to turn to my spiritual center to go forward with my life.   These events  propelled me to increase my spiritual search.  My mother died in a coma and  I was not able to say goodbye.  Three months later after being depressed (one of the few times in my life) I was visited by her spirit.  I was told by my friend from Taiwan, that they believe the spirit of a loved one visits you about 3 moths after death.  I knew that my spirituality was an important part of my life and began following that path as soon as I graduated from college 4 years later.

It began with the Course in Miracles in 1986 and my first Reiki class.   I am still continuing to learn.  I became a Trinity Energy Practitioner ( founded by Angel Coulter)  in 2012 and an Ordained Minister in 2014 through New Earth Aquarian Church , founded by Veronica Vela.  My more recent  spiritual search was initiated  after I acquired inflammatory arthritis and started walking with a cane overnight.  Learning to mediate deeply was necessary to help with the pain. I found that guided mediation was a great way to start.  (http://www.roadtoawakening.net/AudioDownloads/ExpandingConsciousness.mp3).  My first serious attempt resulted in me sobbing and my head bobbing uncontrollably.  I called Angela, the friend who sent me the link, and told her something was wrong. She laughed and said that was a good thing to happen. I was totally confused but was told it meant I was really releasing the pain and connecting.

These benefits  caused me to understand the importance of meditation. Now I am on a mission to introduce meditation and energy work to everyone.  We all want peace and sometimes do not know where to start.  Taking time for yourself and listening to your inner guidance is not as easy as it sounds.  It takes practice and time.  I started slow and encourage others to try mediating for 5 minutes a day,  gradually increasing to 20 minutes or more.

I also find it much easier to feel connected to others and the earth  by spending time in nature.  Even if you just sit on the porch and look at the birds.  Our life can be so hectic, that we do not feel we have the time for this.  But it is amazing how much more you can accomplish if you center yourself first and listen to that inner voice.

Now I wonder, after meeting the Angel Oak, if the fairies and wood nymphs I met when I was young were really from my imagination!