Ever wonder why so many people live near the sea? Do you feel more happy, calmer or have more energy? These may not just psychological benefits from the beautiful surroundings.
Negative air ions created when air molecules break apart due to sunshine or moving water and air actually help decrease depression, increase energy levels and lower stress. This also happens immediately after spring thunderstorms. There can be tens of thousands of negative ions in the air near the ocean or a forest compared to hundreds, thousands or none in your home. If you are at home, jumping in the shower creates negative ions with the spraying water.
Going outside for about 10 minutes a day, especially near water, without sunscreen can help you get the vitamin D that your body needs. It is more difficult to get sufficient vitamin D from food. Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis and other health conditions.
My favorite part of being near water is the spiritual connection I feel with water. I always feel relaxed and excited at the same time. Looking at the sun reflecting off the water at the lake, beach or even a stream helps me connect with my intuition and spiritual center. It is like a form of meditation . I can allow my thoughts to just flow through my brain and not engage them. Many times when I stare at the water, I feel like a part of all creation – the water, the sun , the air. My energy seems to flow outward into the universe and makes me smile. See: http://omnigirl.net/naturemeditations/
Sometimes I swim laps when I have a dilemma I am trying to solve- I can let go of my conscious mind and allow my subconscious mind to take over- usually coming up with a solution I had not thought about.
Can you hear the ocean waves hitting the shore , the sound of a babbling brook in the woods, or the sound of water hitting your boat in a lake ? Soothing sounds are used to help people sleep . How do you feel when you hear a fountain, ocean wave or brook in the woods? It makes me want to go to sleep when I hear those sounds or at least slow down and enjoy the experience.
With all the information coming to us from computers, social media and cell phones, we can experience sensory overload. Daily life activities, work, and other commitments can lead to a stressful life which in turn lowers your immunity. Ever get a cold when you are stressed? Stress jacks up your body’s production of cortisol and adrenaline, hormones that lower immune response. Being near water helps reduce stress and improves your ability to fight off sickness. Other ways to boost your immune system are meditating, spending time with friends, hugging or touching others, laughter (think belly laughs) and exercise. For guidance in meditation or other stress reducing activities, contact me for a free phone consultation: http://omnigirl.net/contact/