Nov 272019

Why We Sleep

I just finished reading the book“Why We Sleep”- unlocking the power of sleep and dreams- by Matthew Walker, PhD of neuroscience and psychology. There have been many scientific studies to determine the benefits of sleep and dreaming. What I learned was very interesting. Many of the benefits are very similar to the benefits of meditation.

Why We Sleep Book


Health Benefits 

Sleep and dreaming provide similar benefits to meditation. They also help you live longer, give you less chance of dementia, cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart attacks or strokes.  In many societies including our own, people think of sleep as a luxury. We think it is ok to shortchange ourselves in this department. Many correlations have been shown between sleeping less than 6 hours a night and increased health risks. The optimal number of hours to sleep is 7 or 8 for everyone.  In the United States, more auto accidents are due to drowsy driving than alcohol and drugs combined.  Read Amanda McKay’s blog for tips on sleeping: Healthy Habits to Improve Your Sleep


Dreaming is of particular interest to me since it provides a mechanism to soothe your emotions and to increase your creativity. During dreamless, NREM ( non -REM sleep) the overall metabolic activity is decreased in the brain. The opposite is true during REM ( rapid eve movement) sleep. During  REM  sleep where dreaming occurs, scientists have found activation of the visual, motor, emotional and autobiographical memory regions in the brain. It reduces activation in the region that controls rational thoughts. 
REM sleep helps us remember details of valuable experiences.  It helps us forget the painful emotions from traumatic experiences. This aids in removing the emotional charge from our experiences when we think about them.   While treating some veterans with a drug for high blood pressure, doctors found the medication reduced the level of stress-related noradrenaline in PTSD patients allowing better REM sleep. They reported being able to sleep better at night and a decrease in their nightmares.  
Dreaming allows us to make connections that would not be possible in our conscious mind. The center for emotions is enhanced and the rational thought center is decreased. Mendeleev, a Russian Chemist was able to organize the Periodic Table containing all the elements during his sleep. He had been trying for years. After not sleeping for three days or nights, he fell asleep and dreamed of the table where all the elements fell into place. Paul McCartney dreamed of the melodies of “Yesterday” and Let It Be” while he was sleeping.   


I have listed some of the benefits of Meditation: reduce stress, boost immunity, enhance creativity, increase productivity and improve attention & memory on the Events page here  You can see the similarities to the power of sleep and dreams.  Meditation is also a way to interpret your dreams. I keep a journal near my bed to record any dreams that I can remember. During meditation, I quiet my mind and ask what the dream meant. Then I listen for an answer. The trick is to wait for an answer – it might come that day or in the next few days.  You may have to ask again. In the same journal, I record any impressions that come to me in my meditations whether they are related to my dreams or not. Your mind opens up to new possibilities by stilling the constant stream of thoughts and connecting to your inner self. These impressions may not mean anything when you have them but frequently become apparent in the future. I also record any coincidences such a seeing the same numbers, the same letters, or the same animals frequently.  If you are thinking of someone and they call at that instant, record that in your journal. The more you practice noticing these occurrences the more in tune you become with the spiritual side of yourself. This can enhance your encounters with loved ones that have passed to the spiritual realm also.  You can listen to free guided meditations here:

Ann McKenzie- Meditation-Nature

I will be offering a Guided Meditation to the Community on 12-9-19. You can find the details on :
Apr 222019
sunset, beach, florida, ocean, clearwater

Sunset at Clearwater Beach

Have you ever had something happen unexpectedly and your automatic pilot took over? 

Pew Breaking

This happened recently during two separate weddings on the same day.  The first wedding occurred in a historic chapel with wooden pews. In the middle of the bride’s vows, we heard a large yell as the pew cracked where three guests were seated. No one was hurt but they did have to move to a new pew.  As the laughter continued, I finally had to say,” Ok let the bride finish her vows”. The guests will always remember that wedding!

Groom Fainting

Later the same day I was officiating a ceremony in another historic building when the groom looked at me and said” I am really hot, I am going to get some water” near the end of the ceremony. I knew something was wrong and said “Ok” just as he fainted and fell backwards to the floor, He had to be taken to the hospital. His children were sitting on the front row when this happened.  I spent some time reassuring them that their father was going to be fine during the reception.  He was able to return later to finish the reception. He was even able to briefly dance with his bride.

Daily Meditations

My daily meditation practice has always helped me keep calm when something like this happens. It helps with normal everyday challenges but especially when something extraordinary happens out of the blue. The sunset above was a great place to meditate, basking in the splendour of nature.  An easy way to start is trying guided meditations

Vow Happenings

One of the more humorous occurrences happened during a wedding at The Bridge Club.  The bride changed “for the rest of your life” as she was repeating her vows to ” forever, and forever and forever”. It was a New Year’s Eve wedding and there was a little pre-ceremony celebration going on. I thought well that is close enough and smiled.

In another wedding, the bride finished repeating her vows after me, I turned to the groom and he said: “whatever she just said”. I said, “Oh, no it’s your turn”!

At Duke Gardens, before the wedding, the groom asked me ” Is it too millennial to read your vows from your phone, I left mine at home?” I pulled out my printed copy from the Ceremony book and handed him his vows. I always insist on having a couple of written vows before the ceremony. When the couple gets nervous,   the vows are sometimes forgotten.

Rain Cooperating

I was officiating a wedding at  The Matthews House in downtown Cary when the forecast called for rain. We started as soon as we could in hopes that the outdoor wedding would finish before the rain appeared. As I ended with the Apache Wedding Blessing “and now you will feel no rain for each of you will be shelter to the other” the guests laughed since the rain had been on everyone’s mind. Within minutes after the guests went inside, a deluge of rain appeared. We all felt blessed that the rain held off till the end.

No matter what situation you find yourself in, remain calm and take a breath! Our reality comes from our perception. When something unexpected happens, see it as an opportunity to learn rather than a problem. Your life will become much more fun and joy-filled!



Apr 012018

Have you lost a loved one and then received a “message ” from them?  This first happened to me three months after my Mother’s death. She became ill and went into a  coma and died four days later. I never got to talk to her and say goodbye. Usually being a very upbeat person, as my friends will tell you, I became depressed when my mother passed away. I didn’t feel like socializing and gained weight by eating too much. Then one night her spirit came to see me. I could see her clothes and where she was sitting. We talked all night about our life together and how much I missed her. The next morning, I was back to my old self. I felt a new energy after connecting with my mother’s spirit.

At the time, I had not been participating in a spiritual practice for 10 years but knew this was something I had to start again. I was working full time, taking 3 classes at NCSU and dancing with the Apple Chill Cloggers in Chapel Hill. So it was four years later when I graduated with my BS in Zoology at the age of 33, that I began searching in earnest for a spiritual practice. 

I met Veronica Vela,, who introduced me to the Course in Miracles and the energy healing practice of Reiki.  I became a Reiki I practitioner and spent the next two years studying the Course in  Miracles   

It changed my life. I began seeing everything in a new way. I paid attention to coincidences, dreams and began meditating. Keeping a journal, helped me grow spiritually over the years.  In  2003, I lost my husband of 17 years suddenly to an aneurysm. The first time I knew his spirit was around, was when my son and I were in the bathroom talking. We were remembering how he would turn out the light to scare us. About that time, the light went out and neither one of us was near the switch. We both knew he was there.

At the time my son was seven and he had told me on many occasions that I should not be sad because his Dad was right there with us. Children often see and feel spirits much more readily than adults. They are open and clear channels to the spiritual plane.

Two times after I began dating his spirit came to me. The first time was with a guy I had started dating in the form of a song, “Mama He’s Crazy” by the Judds. When this song came on in the past, I had always felt I was singing it to my mother to let her know I had found a  good man to marry. SO when is started playing after he passed away, I knew he was telling me to watch out, it might not be a long relationship and he was right.

The next time was again with a new boyfriend and the smoke detector went off in the house for the first time for no reason. I thought to myself, “Okay Sonny ( my husband’s name), I know this is not the best choice but I am lonely. I guess I am OK now because I have been dating the same guy for 7 years and we are engaged. No signals for the spiritual realm yet, YEA!

Since that time, I have lost friends and their spirit came to visit to let me know they were OK. They all wanted me to tell a loved one this. I felt it when I lost a close friend, Jerome, from my clogging days.  Also when Eric, my fiance, lost his father, when I lost my Aunt Melba ( she was like a mother to me), and when Joe, Becky’s husband died. It was always a peaceful feeling and lots of love associated with it. Being open to the spiritual realm, can help ease a loss or help someone else with their grief. 

If you want to become more aware of spiritual messages, I suggest you start a journal, noting all coincidences like the phone call from a friend you were just thinking about, seeing the same number over and over again or to seeing an animal that has a significance to you. Also keeping a record of your dreams and anything else that pops in your mind that might be related to spirit. One of the best ways to get started is to begin a daily meditation practice. If you need help with this please contact me and I will point you in the right direction

Your life will expand in ways you can not imagine when you connect to your spiritual center. It beings clarity in decisions, as well as peace in troubling times. My decision to begin a spiritual practice is absolutely one of the best decisions I have ever made!


Jan 312018

I had the honor to officiate a “Celebration of Life”  for Dot Hussey, my brother-in-law’s mother, this past week.  She was 93 years old, but what life she lived. She married her sweetheart from junior high and lived in California and North Carolina for most of her life. When her husband died, she moved to Greensboro in her 60s to be near her sister after working for over 30 years in the insurance business. Dot started a new career working part-time at the Auto Auction until she was 88. She then moved to Wake Forest to a retirement home, but consistently broke the speed limit with her mobility scooter. She ran it full out as fast as it would go. Dot believed in using your body up before it was time to leave for the spiritual plane and she did just that. This saying was one of Dot’s favorites and fit her to a tee, from Hunter S. Thompson::

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke thoroughly used up , totally worn out and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”


I believe that we are responsible for our happiness in life. In all areas of our life, we are either changing and growing or becoming stagnant and declining. This life is so precious that we should spend every minute of it finding our joy through work, family, relationships, and health. As we age we see others become less active around us and some even die early. The only thing I fear is the regret of not doing something I wanted to in my life. 

I always wanted to have a child, but I was 42 before my son was born. Many of our friends thought we were a little crazy to have a child at that age but he kept us young.

In my 50’s I was hit with auto-immune arthritis and had a double knee replacement. Six months later, I was white water rafting on Class 5 rapids in West Virginia.  Now my friends really thought I had lost my mind. My philosophy was why have the surgery if I could not do the things I wanted to do?

Many of us dream about the life we would like to lead, but simply don’t take the first step. Instead of saying “I can’t”, say “what if I did”?  Life consists of many small steps, taking the first one makes all the others easier. These fears don’t just pertain to adventure but also to emotional risk and fear of what others will think. 

I spent 35 years in biochemistry and public health laboratories.  In my 60s I decided to change careers and start an energy healing business from the encouragement of my spiritual mentors, Angela Coulter, and Veronica Vela,

 I came out of  the “Spiritual Closet” and became an ordained minister

I soon began marrying couples in the community and found a new passion that I would never have believed possible. I truly feel connected to the couples that I  meet and feel honored to marry them.

I am not sure what new phase of my life will occur in my 70s, but I hope it is as much fun as the others I have tried so far. One thing is for sure, I am always looking for something new to learn or do. After all, that is what makes life interesting. If you want to open up to your intuition and explore all the  possibilities waiting for you,  contact me at

Dec 062017

You always give love to others and try to support them,  but one of the most important things you can do for others is to love yourself. When you totally accept who you are and forgive yourself for perceived wrongdoings in the past, you can truly start loving yourself. This shows in everything you do and say. You automatically attract others who want to be around you. They can feel your “positive energy”  giving them a sense of calmness.  Many of us believe that if we love ourselves, others will think we are boastful. This does not mean bragging about yourself, it just means being yourself and sharing the love with others. When you truly love yourself, you can give love unconditionally to others. You do not need someone to  “complete you and make you happy”- you already have that from within.  It is such a free feeling to be around someone who does not expect anything from you to win their affection. 

This quote by Marianne Williamson is one of my favorites in remembering how to love myself: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s for everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

You do not realize how much a kind word or action can mean to another person. The story ” A Simple Gesture” by John W. Schlatter tells of a boy in high school who was contemplating suicide. Another boy came by on his way home from school and helped him pick up some things he had dropped. They talked and became friends. He later told his friend that by his kind actions, he decided he  wanted to live that day

Recently a close friend of mine told me that my kindness in junior high school had a big influence on her life. I did not realize it at the time. I tend to talk to everyone- just ask anyone who knows me. By the simple act of being a friend who listens, I changed someone’s life. What more could you ask for in this earthly plane, than to make a real difference for someone else?  It is amazing how wonderful people are, even the ones that don’t appear to be on the outside. If you take a little time to get to know them, you can learn and grow from everyone you meet. 

When I was trying to decide whether to go to a workshop on publishing an e-book, I told a friend I didn’t have anything to write about. She said,”yes you do”. “Do you know how much your behavior influences others?”  I had double knee replacement 5 years ago and keep going to physical therapy, even though the pain was unbelievable, so I could go white water rafting on Class 5 rapids six months later.  She told me that my actions made her determined to start walking and lose weight.  She realized that her excuses were small compared to mine for not taking care of her health. 

The next time you think a kind thought about how nice someone looks, how kind their smile is, or how they make you feel, tell them. It only takes a minute of your time. It could be a major impact on their lives. Never underestimate a smile or kind word – it is worth more than you know. 

If you would like to begin your journey to self-love, I would suggest starting a 10-minute meditation practice daily. Begin your day with at least five things you are grateful for. Also, think of five things you love about yourself. Over time, it gets easier. The time you invest in yourself will be manifested in your life many times over. If you need any help getting started you can contact me for a free consult

Nov 182017

I have always been attracted to trees. When I was a young girl, the woods behind my house was one of my  favorite places to play. I could spend hours there talking to the fairies and wood nymphs. As I have continued on my spiritual journey throughout my life, I  now realize I was accessing another spiritual plane instead of just making it up in my mind. 

My mind and body feel totally alive when I am among trees. It also gives me a sense of peace. I find nature, especially trees and water, one of the easiest places to meditate and calm your busy mind . 

“The Japanese practice of forest bathing is proven to lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress hormone production, boost the immune system, and improve overall feelings of well-being.” This is due to the release of essential oils called phytoncide by the trees to protect themselves from insects and bacteria. The essential oils actually help boost your immune system. 

In my travels, I have been drawn to forests everywhere. The photo above is from the Joshua Tree National Forest. . In addition to the wonderful trees , there  are many stone paths to explore and the sunsets are phenomenal. What a great way to relax from a hurried vacation. 

Another favorite of mine is the Angel Oak Tree near Charleston, SC. is at least 400 years old and more than 66 feet tall. The spiritual energy from that tree is amazing. There are women there making sweet gum baskets carrying on an old tradition. It is a perfect fit to the Angel Oak Tree and the history of both. 

When traveling in Colorado , we decided to take a horseback ride thorough an Aspen Forest. learned that the Aspen forest is the largest living organism since all the trees come from a  single root system. Also that the American Indians used the bark for its healing properties from stomach pains to colds.

Joyce Kilmer National Forest in North Carolina was one of the first forests I visited with huge trees. I knew I was hooked in my early 20’s . It was named after Joyce Kilmer who wrote this poem:

I think that I shall never see  
A poem lovely as a tree.  

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest  
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; 

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray; 

A tree that may in summer wear  
A nest of robins in her hair; 

Upon whose bosom snow has lain; 
Who intimately lives with rain.  

Poems are made by fools like me,  
But only God can make a tree. 

If you want an easy way to start your meditation practice , I will be glad to answer any questions
There are numerous benefits to meditation , among those these 5 stand out for me:  boost immunity, reduce stress, enhance creativity, increase productivity and improve attention and memory. It is never too late to start your daily meditations. Your busy mind will thank you for the peace and quiet it can achieve thorough this practice. 
Sep 302017

In my 20’s I watched my cousins, Donna and Paula ,clogging to bluegrass music. Clogging is a traditional American folk dance that began in the Appalachian mountains when people were  listening to Old-Time Music – claw hammer banjo ,guitar  and fiddle. I had been dancing since a teenager to rock and roll and soul music, but I could not keep up with the clogging- it can be 165 beats per minute. I went to the Jaycee Center in Raleigh and took clogging lessons by myself-none of my friends were interested in this “hillbilly music”. I met a life time friend there, Cindy, she was doing the same thing.

 I started going to bluegrass festivals and met Ron and Mark who invited me to Chapel Hill to attend a  weekly clogging event. Then they  asked to me to join the Apple Chill Cloggers. For the next 15 years, I danced, called dances and handled bookings for the clogging team in North Carolina, Virginia, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Ireland and Portugal. This first encounter of clogging changed my life in ways I could never imagine.  I had the pleasure of staying in people’s homes in foreign countries -absorbing their culture as a guest , not a tourist.

Ron, my friend, who asked me to be on the clogging team, met my roommate who soon became his wife. They are now celebrating their son’s 30th birthday and they also have a younger daughter. We discussed this last night at the International Bluegrass Music Association event in Raleigh, NC. It is amazing if you follow your heart where life may lead you. If you want to become more attuned to your inner passions, energy healing may help – for more information :

Many years later, I met Kathryn at a networking meeting just before I was supposed to lead a guided meditation at Lucky Tree in Raleigh. She and I never entered the meeting , we stood at the door and talked. I placed Katheryn on my email list and she and her daughter came to a guided meditation 6 months later. Within a year, she called me and I officiated her wedding – for more information on weddings : 

I believe there are no coincidences in life. Being aware of these subtle messages that come to you can be a bit more challenging. Keeping your mind and heart open to all possibilities can lead to a quite adventuresome life! A daily meditation practice –  only be a few minutes a day can bring rewards you can not imagine- reduce stress, boost immunity, enhance creativity, increase productivity and improve attention & memory. If you would like to learn how to start please join me at a monthly guided meditation :

My sincere wish is that when you leave this earthy plane , you look back and know you grabbed every chance to an spectacular  life!

Jul 152017

sailboat sunset

Ever wonder why so many people live near the sea? Do you feel more happy, calmer or have more energy? These may not just psychological benefits from the beautiful surroundings.

Negative air ions created when air molecules break apart due to sunshine or moving water and air actually help decrease  depression, increase energy levels and lower stress. This also happens immediately after spring thunderstorms. There can be tens of thousands of negative ions in the air near the ocean or a forest compared to hundreds, thousands or none in your home. If you are at home, jumping in the shower creates negative ions with the spraying water.  

Going outside for about 10 minutes  a day, especially near water,  without sunscreen can help you get the vitamin D that your body needs. It is more difficult to get sufficient  vitamin D from food. Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis and other health conditions.

My favorite part of being near water is the spiritual connection I feel with water. I always feel relaxed and excited at the same time. Looking at the sun reflecting off the water at the lake, beach or even a stream helps me connect with my intuition and spiritual center. It is like a form of meditation . I can allow my thoughts to just flow through my brain and not engage them. Many times when I  stare at the water, I feel like a part of all creation – the water, the sun , the air. My energy seems to flow outward into the universe and makes me smile. See:

Sometimes I swim laps when I have a dilemma I am trying to solve- I can let go of my conscious mind and allow my subconscious mind to take over- usually coming up with a solution I had not thought about. 

Can you hear the ocean waves hitting the shore , the sound of a babbling brook in the woods, or the sound of water hitting your boat in a lake ? Soothing sounds are used to help people sleep . How do you feel when you hear a fountain, ocean wave or brook in the woods? It makes me want to go to sleep when I hear those sounds or at least slow down and enjoy the experience. 

With all the information coming to us from computers, social media and cell phones, we can experience sensory overload. Daily life activities, work, and other commitments can lead to a stressful life which in turn lowers your immunity. Ever get a cold when you are stressed? Stress jacks up your body’s production of cortisol and adrenaline, hormones that lower immune response. Being near water helps reduce stress and  improves your ability to fight off sickness. Other ways to boost your immune system are meditating, spending time with friends, hugging or touching others, laughter (think belly laughs) and exercise.  For guidance in meditation or other stress reducing activities, contact me for a free phone consultation:

Jan 252015


 The Angel Oak is thought to be one of the oldest living things east of the Mississippi River.   Angel Oak is a live oak. Towering over 65 feet high, the Angel Oak has shaded John’s Island, South Carolina, for over 1400 years, and would have sprouted 1000 years before Columbus’ arrival in the New World. Today the live oak has a diameter of spread reaching 160 feet, a circumference of nearly 25 feet, and covers 17,100 square feet of ground. 

When I first saw the Angel Oak while traveling in South Carolina, I felt it’s immense energy .  When I touched the tree trunk it seemed that I was connected to the tree and the earth.  It was such a comforting feeling.  It felt like I was part of the tree’s past  as well as the present.   Being in the presence of such a magnificent living tree is awe inspiring.  Nature has always been my first choice for feeling connected spiritually to my self and others.

When I was young, I would play in the woods behind my house for hours by myself.  I would imagine wood nymphs and fairies during my visits to the stream in the woods.

During the course of my life , I have encountered deaths of loved ones, my father at age 19, my mom at age 29 and my husband  at age 50.  With every loss, I was profoundly comforted by family and friends.  Even with all the love given to me,  I still had to turn to my spiritual center to go forward with my life.   These events  propelled me to increase my spiritual search.  My mother died in a coma and  I was not able to say goodbye.  Three months later after being depressed (one of the few times in my life) I was visited by her spirit.  I was told by my friend from Taiwan, that they believe the spirit of a loved one visits you about 3 moths after death.  I knew that my spirituality was an important part of my life and began following that path as soon as I graduated from college 4 years later.

It began with the Course in Miracles in 1986 and my first Reiki class.   I am still continuing to learn.  I became a Trinity Energy Practitioner ( founded by Angel Coulter)  in 2012 and an Ordained Minister in 2014 through New Earth Aquarian Church , founded by Veronica Vela.  My more recent  spiritual search was initiated  after I acquired inflammatory arthritis and started walking with a cane overnight.  Learning to mediate deeply was necessary to help with the pain. I found that guided mediation was a great way to start.  (  My first serious attempt resulted in me sobbing and my head bobbing uncontrollably.  I called Angela, the friend who sent me the link, and told her something was wrong. She laughed and said that was a good thing to happen. I was totally confused but was told it meant I was really releasing the pain and connecting.

These benefits  caused me to understand the importance of meditation. Now I am on a mission to introduce meditation and energy work to everyone.  We all want peace and sometimes do not know where to start.  Taking time for yourself and listening to your inner guidance is not as easy as it sounds.  It takes practice and time.  I started slow and encourage others to try mediating for 5 minutes a day,  gradually increasing to 20 minutes or more.

I also find it much easier to feel connected to others and the earth  by spending time in nature.  Even if you just sit on the porch and look at the birds.  Our life can be so hectic, that we do not feel we have the time for this.  But it is amazing how much more you can accomplish if you center yourself first and listen to that inner voice.

Now I wonder, after meeting the Angel Oak, if the fairies and wood nymphs I met when I was young were really from my imagination!