Jan 312018

I had the honor to officiate a “Celebration of Life”  for Dot Hussey, my brother-in-law’s mother, this past week.  She was 93 years old, but what life she lived. She married her sweetheart from junior high and lived in California and North Carolina for most of her life. When her husband died, she moved to Greensboro in her 60s to be near her sister after working for over 30 years in the insurance business. Dot started a new career working part-time at the Auto Auction until she was 88. She then moved to Wake Forest to a retirement home, but consistently broke the speed limit with her mobility scooter. She ran it full out as fast as it would go. Dot believed in using your body up before it was time to leave for the spiritual plane and she did just that. This saying was one of Dot’s favorites and fit her to a tee, from Hunter S. Thompson::

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke thoroughly used up , totally worn out and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”


I believe that we are responsible for our happiness in life. In all areas of our life, we are either changing and growing or becoming stagnant and declining. This life is so precious that we should spend every minute of it finding our joy through work, family, relationships, and health. As we age we see others become less active around us and some even die early. The only thing I fear is the regret of not doing something I wanted to in my life. 

I always wanted to have a child, but I was 42 before my son was born. Many of our friends thought we were a little crazy to have a child at that age but he kept us young.

In my 50’s I was hit with auto-immune arthritis and had a double knee replacement. Six months later, I was white water rafting on Class 5 rapids in West Virginia.  https://aceraft.com/  Now my friends really thought I had lost my mind. My philosophy was why have the surgery if I could not do the things I wanted to do?

Many of us dream about the life we would like to lead, but simply don’t take the first step. Instead of saying “I can’t”, say “what if I did”?  Life consists of many small steps, taking the first one makes all the others easier. These fears don’t just pertain to adventure but also to emotional risk and fear of what others will think. 

I spent 35 years in biochemistry and public health laboratories.  In my 60s I decided to change careers and start an energy healing business from the encouragement of my spiritual mentors, Angela Coulter, http://trinityenergyprogression.com/ and Veronica Vela, http://www.healthecology.com/

 I came out of  the “Spiritual Closet” and became an ordained minister http://www.newearthaquarianchurch.org/

I soon began marrying couples in the community and found a new passion that I would never have believed possible. I truly feel connected to the couples that I  meet and feel honored to marry them. http://www.annmckenzie.net/

I am not sure what new phase of my life will occur in my 70s, but I hope it is as much fun as the others I have tried so far. One thing is for sure, I am always looking for something new to learn or do. After all, that is what makes life interesting. If you want to open up to your intuition and explore all the  possibilities waiting for you,  contact me at http://omnigirl.net/contact/

May 202015


Do you ever feel like something is missing, even when everyone around tells you that you have all you need?

When I was 29 , I had a full time job I enjoyed, while  working on my degree part time. I was part of a clogging team that traveled to Europe most summers.  I had lots of friends to spend time traveling, listening to music, dancing and eating together.    It was a fun filled  life and everything seemed great.

Then without warning, my mother, who was my best friend died suddenly.   I  lost my joy for life, not wanting to go out and began eating emotionally. My friends would ask when I would I start smiling again.  I was in an emotional fog and did not know how to get out.  Three months after she died, she visited me in my dream state and we talked all night. I can still see her pink gown and her smile as if it was yesterday.  The next morning I woke up and was thrilled with life and ready to get out and start living!

I realized that I had let my spiritual and intuitive side slip away from me over the last decade. I made a conscious decision to  renew this important part in my life.  I promised myself that in 4 years when I finished  my BS ,  I would “expand my horizons” to include more than the physical world around me.

A few months after receiving my degree , I began focusing my attention on spirituality. A friend asked me to visit Health Ecology in Cameron Village in Raleigh, NC.  I met Veronica Vela, a Reiki Master . She suggested I study the “Course in Miracles”.  I told her I did not know anything about miracles.  She convinced me to start the weekly study group.  I remained in this group for 2 years.

The Course In Miracles changed my life.  I found the basis to life is love and there is nothing else. The opposite of love is fear, but fear cannot exist if you come from love.  The hardest part was learning forgiveness.  I learned that to forgive someone does not mean you condone their actions, but that you will not let that negative emotion hold your back from your true light.  This is especially true when learning to forgive yourself.  There are no mistakes, just opportunities to learn and grow.  Living in the past keeps you from expanding your horizons and have a truly fulfilling life!

I have tried to live my life with love and forgiveness and it has been truly remarkable.  I got married at 36 and had my only child at 42. I found myself a widow at 50 but knew that my spiritual strength would get me through this.  A few years ago, I was struck with autoimmune arthritis and began walking with a cane overnight. Within the next year, I had double knee replacement and was white water rafting.  My friend and mentor, Angela Coulter, originator of Trinity Energy progression, lead me back to meditation and connecting with my spiritual self.  This helped me through a difficult time , reinforcing the power  of connection to your inner strength.

I now work in energy healing and nutritional health.  I became a Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner,  Reiki Master Practitioner and Ordained Minster in the last several years. “Expanding my horizons” in this area of my life has been one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done.  I feel at peace with myself, even when it seems that everything else is falling apart.  I know that how I perceive the world defines my life.  I truly feel that life is wonderful and I can not wait for something new!

Always look within for guidance when it gets tough in the “real world”. Try listening to a recorded meditation to quiet your thoughts.  http://roadtoawakening.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/HeartFocus-7mins.mp3 If  you have trouble doing this, ask a friend for help. The next choice is to seek someone that does energy healing and that you feel connected  to.  Look for someone who comes from unconditional love  and without judgement of your thoughts and feelings.

I have been truly blessed by my spiritual mentors. I  love  helping others find the peace I have found.