Sep 302017

In my 20’s I watched my cousins, Donna and Paula ,clogging to bluegrass music. Clogging is a traditional American folk dance that began in the Appalachian mountains when people were  listening to Old-Time Music – claw hammer banjo ,guitar  and fiddle. I had been dancing since a teenager to rock and roll and soul music, but I could not keep up with the clogging- it can be 165 beats per minute. I went to the Jaycee Center in Raleigh and took clogging lessons by myself-none of my friends were interested in this “hillbilly music”. I met a life time friend there, Cindy, she was doing the same thing.

 I started going to bluegrass festivals and met Ron and Mark who invited me to Chapel Hill to attend a  weekly clogging event. Then they  asked to me to join the Apple Chill Cloggers. For the next 15 years, I danced, called dances and handled bookings for the clogging team in North Carolina, Virginia, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Ireland and Portugal. This first encounter of clogging changed my life in ways I could never imagine.  I had the pleasure of staying in people’s homes in foreign countries -absorbing their culture as a guest , not a tourist.

Ron, my friend, who asked me to be on the clogging team, met my roommate who soon became his wife. They are now celebrating their son’s 30th birthday and they also have a younger daughter. We discussed this last night at the International Bluegrass Music Association event in Raleigh, NC. It is amazing if you follow your heart where life may lead you. If you want to become more attuned to your inner passions, energy healing may help – for more information :

Many years later, I met Kathryn at a networking meeting just before I was supposed to lead a guided meditation at Lucky Tree in Raleigh. She and I never entered the meeting , we stood at the door and talked. I placed Katheryn on my email list and she and her daughter came to a guided meditation 6 months later. Within a year, she called me and I officiated her wedding – for more information on weddings : 

I believe there are no coincidences in life. Being aware of these subtle messages that come to you can be a bit more challenging. Keeping your mind and heart open to all possibilities can lead to a quite adventuresome life! A daily meditation practice –  only be a few minutes a day can bring rewards you can not imagine- reduce stress, boost immunity, enhance creativity, increase productivity and improve attention & memory. If you would like to learn how to start please join me at a monthly guided meditation :

My sincere wish is that when you leave this earthy plane , you look back and know you grabbed every chance to an spectacular  life!

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