May 212016

1F3A1695_1200x800 (2)jordan and bethWhen I became an ordained minister as an enhancement to my energy healing business, I did not envision becoming a wedding officiant. But soon after, everyone starting asking if I could marry couples. I thought what a wonderful event participate in. I knew living in North Carolina, I was given the opportunity to marry anyone who truly loved their partner and wanted to commit to each other through marriage. I started performing marriages, just as the same-sex marriage laws became legal in NC. I felt  in my heart, there was a bigger reason to my becoming an ordained minister when I did. I have been blessed with officiating weddings of all types.

Couples who decide to share their commitment of love with others through a spiritual ceremony , allow their friends and family to be a part of the joyous celebration. They declare their love for one another and their choice to spend the rest of their lives together through the good times as well as the difficult ones. As witnesses to this event, we declare our love and  support for them through the years without judgement .

My sister, Connie  and her husband, Jack, renewed their vows this year. Their son, Travis was part of the ceremony. Some friends who attended the ceremony ,had known them  from  the beginning of their 36 years of marriage. What a wonderful way to celebrate their love and commitment through the years.  They have found one of life’s greatest joys-giving of yourself honestly and courageously to each other, thereby enhancing your lives.

The look of love between the marriage partners is truly one of the most special moments , I have the privilege of sharing with others. Ceremonies embrace the essence of love ,and by sharing with others, you allow them the freedom to show love to those people who are important in their life. What a true blessing for the marriage partners and those who witness this ceremony.

As I was thinking of a subject for blogging today, a friend of mine posted on Face Book that her husband of 25 years died suddenly in his sleep last night.  I knew her love for him and how she must feel at this loss. The same thing happened to me after 14 years of marriage. You never know how much time we are have on earth, but the most important thing is to be true to your feelings and let others know how you feel. There is no greater gift you can give another person, than your love.