Jul 142018

 In December , Eric ( my fiance’) and I went to Arizona and were inundated with majestic views everywhere we looked.  At times , I felt overwhelmed with emotion. The majesty of the Grand Canyon https://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm at sunset was breathtaking. We stayed for dinner and had the pleasure of seeing the stars over the Grand Canyon too. Boy what a day! I have always been in love with  trees and water but the desert has its own kind of magic. The photo seen here is from Antelope Canyon- you have to book a tour through the Navajo Indian Reservation https://www.antelopecanyon.com/

Since that time I have been busy officiating weddings most weekends. I am fortunate that the majority are outside in nature but it is not the same as taking time for yourself without any obligations to others. 

This was truly a rejuvenating trip for our energy and soul. Gratitude comes easy when you are blessed with beauty all around you.


I realized recently how much nature means to me. We had not been on a trip in nature by ourselves for 6 months. That is a long time for us. We traveled to Elkin, NC so I could officiate a wedding at the Barn at Blueberry Hill While in Elkin, wttp://www.blueberryhillweddingbarnelkinnc.com/

For more information about wedding officiant :http://www.annmckenzie.net/







While in Elkin, we camped at the the the Bryd’s Branch Family Campground http://byrdsbranchcampgroundcom/   

This was our breakfast nook. After running the rehearsal and officiating the wedding, it was relaxing to come back to nature without any commitments. This was time well spent recharging our energy. Another bonus was a waterfall that we  hiked to 1/2 mile away.  













We came back to civilization on Sunday afternoon before our trip home to enjoy a trip to a local winery https://www.jonesvondrehle.com/

We got caught in an unexpected rainstorm. I can think of worse places to be stuck. 









The following weekend I officiated a wedding at Thorndale Oaks in Oxford, NC http://www.thorndaleoaks.com/

This is a beautiful venue an hour north of Cary . It was a wonderful wedding, but it was time to recharge again with nature. Eric and I traveled to Carolina Beach that evening and spent the next two days swimming in the ocean while staying with my child hood friend, Diane. 






It seems after the lengthy  dry spell of very little time in nature since December , we were at  it again for the third  weekend in a row travelling to Spartanburg, SC for Brenda, Eric’s stepmom’s 80th birthday party. We had the fun time staying at her daughter and son in laws’ pond house by ourselves. What a serene place after visiting with family and attending a very large party on Saturday night. Sometimes being around a lot of people can drain your energy. As much as I love socializing, I find the need time to myself in solitude or nature . It recharges my energy and brings me back to a firm foundation with my inner spirit.







We decided to  have a little extra fun in Spartanburg exploring . We found a Rock Bottom Moonshine, where they make their own legal moonshine infused with fruit or charred wood( delicious and smooth) http://www.rockbottomdistillers.com/

As well as an authentic Cuban restaurant https://www.facebook.com/ACaribbeanSweetness/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf

Many of us can feel our energy drained after being around some people, as well as others who seem to give us energy.  As I grow spiritually throughout my life, I realize that I have started focusing more of my time with my energy boosting friends. I love all my friends but you have to take care of your own spirit and limit your time with others who do not want to take responsibility for their own happiness. I am always willing to work with others who want to find more joy and happiness  in life if they are willing to take the time and effort for this life-changing spiritual journey http://omnigirl.net/contact/

It is a real commitment with desire coming from your soul, to find self-love and happiness in everything  you do. It is a practice with daily steps , but well worth the reward to live a  joy-filled life. Everyone can do, but not everyone is willing to make the change. Your heart and soul will thank you for it. Start by spending more time in nature- it is truly a way to recharge your energy.

Also, taking time to meditate or just quiet your thoughts for a few minutes, can bring peace to a hectic day.  This is something I learned in my 30s and it has been the path I have followed since then. My life is filled with joy, and when I experience negativity in myself, I take time to think of everything I am grateful for. I also remember to talk kind to myself just as I would to my friends and loved ones. I wish you peace, love and joy in your life- you deserve all the happiness you can find!

Jan 312018

I had the honor to officiate a “Celebration of Life”  for Dot Hussey, my brother-in-law’s mother, this past week.  She was 93 years old, but what life she lived. She married her sweetheart from junior high and lived in California and North Carolina for most of her life. When her husband died, she moved to Greensboro in her 60s to be near her sister after working for over 30 years in the insurance business. Dot started a new career working part-time at the Auto Auction until she was 88. She then moved to Wake Forest to a retirement home, but consistently broke the speed limit with her mobility scooter. She ran it full out as fast as it would go. Dot believed in using your body up before it was time to leave for the spiritual plane and she did just that. This saying was one of Dot’s favorites and fit her to a tee, from Hunter S. Thompson::

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke thoroughly used up , totally worn out and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”


I believe that we are responsible for our happiness in life. In all areas of our life, we are either changing and growing or becoming stagnant and declining. This life is so precious that we should spend every minute of it finding our joy through work, family, relationships, and health. As we age we see others become less active around us and some even die early. The only thing I fear is the regret of not doing something I wanted to in my life. 

I always wanted to have a child, but I was 42 before my son was born. Many of our friends thought we were a little crazy to have a child at that age but he kept us young.

In my 50’s I was hit with auto-immune arthritis and had a double knee replacement. Six months later, I was white water rafting on Class 5 rapids in West Virginia.  https://aceraft.com/  Now my friends really thought I had lost my mind. My philosophy was why have the surgery if I could not do the things I wanted to do?

Many of us dream about the life we would like to lead, but simply don’t take the first step. Instead of saying “I can’t”, say “what if I did”?  Life consists of many small steps, taking the first one makes all the others easier. These fears don’t just pertain to adventure but also to emotional risk and fear of what others will think. 

I spent 35 years in biochemistry and public health laboratories.  In my 60s I decided to change careers and start an energy healing business from the encouragement of my spiritual mentors, Angela Coulter, http://trinityenergyprogression.com/ and Veronica Vela, http://www.healthecology.com/

 I came out of  the “Spiritual Closet” and became an ordained minister http://www.newearthaquarianchurch.org/

I soon began marrying couples in the community and found a new passion that I would never have believed possible. I truly feel connected to the couples that I  meet and feel honored to marry them. http://www.annmckenzie.net/

I am not sure what new phase of my life will occur in my 70s, but I hope it is as much fun as the others I have tried so far. One thing is for sure, I am always looking for something new to learn or do. After all, that is what makes life interesting. If you want to open up to your intuition and explore all the  possibilities waiting for you,  contact me at http://omnigirl.net/contact/

Feb 152016


Have you ever been thinking about someone when the phone rings and it was that person?   Have you ever visited a place and had a sense of deja vu, like you had been there before but do not remember the trip? Have you ever felt someone staring at you and turned to find out it was true?

“According to quantum physics, we are part of a vast, invisible field of energy, which contains all possible realities and responds to our thoughts and our feelings. Think about it―every physical thing in our life is not solid matter but rather, fields of energy or frequency patterns of information. Every human being, along with every material thing in the Universe, broadcast a distinct energy pattern, and this energy carries information. Quantum Entanglement Theory states that all humans and the quantum field are interconnected.”  http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2013/05/05/quantum-physics-explain-how-everything-is-made-of-energy/

In energy healing , the practitioner is directing the spiritually guided universal life force to  the client.  There are many types of energy healing. Increasing the amount of energy coming into your body, mind, and spirit through a skilled practitioner can and often does facilitate healing of the “whole” self.

 Reiki is  a practice that helps balance the chakras or energy centers in the body. The energy in the body can become restricted  by holding onto to negative thoughts or emotions. This can cause emotional, mental or physcial problems. Reiki energy helps balance the energy centers allowing unconditional love or universal life force to flow freely through the body thus promoting well-being. Negative thoughts can create a feeling of lack in our life that we sometimes try to  fill by relationships with others.  When unconditional love fills the body, the voids we feel can disappear.

Trinity Energy Progression is another type of healing energy which helps release all resistance/partitions that are limiting your spiritual growth. These partitions create negative feelings such as anger, frustration, jealousy, regret, shame , pain. By tapping into your divine consciousness, you realize you are limitless and that everything you need is already within yourself.  You choose how you want to experience your life. When you set your intentions, keep your focus on them, actively work towards them, you can bring your intentions into your reality. 

“You choose what to download to your brain from the possibilities, the brain turns it into your 3D reality. We are all connected and we are all one. ” From a talk by Dr, Mary Asteria-Robol, a former nun with a Ph.D. in Physiology and Biophysics from Cornell and  is also a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

 Starting a meditation practice is a wonderful way to tune into your intuition or divine center.  Guided Meditations , especially for those who want to begin this practice, can be extremely helpful. 

There are also spiritual courses for study such as  the “Course in Miracles”, a spiritual practice based on love and forgiveness.

For those of you who want more scientific proof look at the placebo effect. The placebo effect in medicine helps demonstrate the effect our mind has over our physical body. Studies have shown that 30-60%of people taking a placebo for pain feel less pain. Brain scans showed that the patients taking the drug and those taking a placebo both had similar activation in the part of the brain where the most opiate receptors are located thus reducing the pain.

If you are ready to embark on your own spiritual journey, try meditation, a spiritual study or find an energy practitioner you resonate with to help you on your way.



Nov 222015


In the last 4 years I have had 2 major surgeries.

I spent 15 years with the Apple Chill Cloggers from Chapel Hill, NC dancing all over Europe in International Folk Festivals as well dancing here in NC and surrounding states. I would not trade it for anything, but clogging can be very demanding on your knee joints especially if you keep dancing into your 40’s, which I did.

Four years ago I was struck with an auto-immune arthritis and could not walk to the bathroom one morning, after walking the night before. I was in the care of an orthopedic surgeon , who tried the conventional treatments for one month. During this time I could not sleep or walk without a cane. I am a very active person , so I became depressed partly because of no sleep but also because of my limited mobility.

Two of my spiritual friends suggested guided meditations. I thought to myself, I have been meditating for more than 20 years. I tried it and called my friend thinking something was wrong.I had never felt this way when meditating.  My head started bobbing and I was crying . Angela Coulter, my friend, said that is great , it means you are releasing some of the pain. I began the practice of meditation daily for the next 5 months until I had double knee replacement surgery. I continued afterwards to help ease the pain during physical therapy . I have continued this practice daily since then.

Three years later , I started my energy healing business to help others with physical, emotional,or mental issues. It has truly been rewarding.

Recently, I went for an endoscopy and found there was a problem.  At first the doctor thought it was acid re-flux, which I found hard to believe since I teach and follow an alkaline diet to reduce inflammation in the body. A few days later a barium swallow showed my stomach had moved into my chest through a large hole in my diaphragm. I needed to have elective surgery soon because this could be life-threatening if it became an emergency. The day I went to the first surgeon, I was very scared. He told me all the risks and I wondered if I would leave my only son without his last parent.

I made up my mind that I would do what I could for a good outcome. I had to wait 7 weeks  to get a medicine I take for arthritis out of my system before the surgery. I got a second opinion and felt much more calm. I also did my energy work visualizing my stomach sliding out of my chest easily .

I saw myself happy and healed but I also knew that I could handle anything in my true inner divine consciousness , even going to another plane of existence.

I am happy to report the surgery went extremely well. My doctor was surprised the stomach came down so easily , since it was wedged between my heart, lungs and aorta. He said most people’s stomachs are more stuck and they only have a small percent in their chest, mine was 100% in my chest.

After the surgery , I spent the whole afternoon and evening in a gratitude prayer for my doctors, my family, my friends and for life itself. When true obstacles come in your life, you realize that the relationships you have are the most important thing. There is always a silver lining and mine was this feeling of gratitude and being fully alive.

I found that you have to rely on conventional Western medicine for some health issues , but Energy Healing certainly helps with physical issues including positive outcomes. I am truly thankful to all my spiritual mentors, especially, Angela Coulter and Veronica Vela , who have guided me over the years to a true place of peace and unconditional love.