Most of my early life, I went to school, worked full time and socialized with my friends. In my mid 20’s , I took a clogging class by myself. It was a little intimidating , but I really wanted to learn. I met a couple of guys at a bluegrass festival who invited me to a square dance in Chapel Hill. After several months, they invited me to try out for the Apple Chill Cloggers. I was shocked since I was not a professional clogger. But I auditioned and joined the team, and danced in NC , surrounding states and 5 countries in Europe. My life has never been the same since.
My next “jump out of my comfort zone” was white water rafting in my late 20’s. I am not a dare devil , but I am very active. My first trip to the New River on Class 5 rapids, was the most scary and exciting thing I had ever done. I even sat up front -where all the action is. I was hooked.
But as life happens, it was 15 years later for my next “jump”. I started trying to get pregnant at 39 , most of my friends thought I had lost my mind. I had a wonderful son, at 42 years old, who loves ballroom dancing .
Seven years after the birth of my son, my husband died suddenly. I made the decision to retire and move back to Raleigh. This was one of the biggest life decisions I had ever made, my guidance was so strong that I refused to listen to any negative thoughts.
Fast forward, 3 years later , at the age of 57, my next “jump” was zip lining and hot air ballooning. This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I have always had a fear of heights. I made up my mind I could do it now or never do it in my life. As far as the white water rafting , I resumed this at the same age and have been 5 times, even 6 months after a double knee replacement-to the adverse warnings of my friends.
Three years ago, I again “jumped out of my comfort zone” in the most uncomfortable way. I came out of the “spiritual closet” after working for 35 years in clinical labs . I had been practicing Reiki since 1987, but now started my energy healing business , became a Trinity Energy Progression Practitioner, a Reiki Master, Ordained Minister and created this website to help others on their spiritual journey.
If you had told me 5 years ago , that I would be standing up in front of 150 people and officiating a wedding, I would have thought you had lost your mind. I have always had a fear of public speaking, but I realized that the ceremonies are all about the couples and their love for each other and I am only there to provide guidance and support for them.
I even spoke at my Aunt Melba’s funeral this year . This was a real “jump” since I am such a cry baby at funerals. I loved her so much, she was like a mother to me.. But she lived such a life of unconditional love, I felt guided to do this. I wrote the speech early the next morning and made it through with only a couple of stops to regain my composure. My cousins were so happy and I was glad I had honored her memory by speaking from my heart.
My encouragement to you is to listen to your guidance and take that “JUMP” out of your comfort zone. If I had stayed in my “safety zone” after my 20’s , my life would have been less complete and I would always wonder, “What if?”
You can start by learning to meditate on a daily basis. I would suggest starting with a guided mediation , it makes it easier to turn down the volume of all those continuous thoughts in your head. This allows you to listen to your spiritual center for guidance and choose what is truly for your highest and best benefit . I am here for questions, if you need any “boost” to get started.